
Affichage des articles du juin, 2019

How To Do Face Clean Up At Home

How To Do Face Clean Up At Home Every woman wishes to have beautiful and glowing skin.  But, in our daily life, the skin is continuously affected by many external agents like pollutants, sun rays, and chemicals. Hence, the skin needs regular clean up. No one has time to take care of their skin in the busy schedule. How To Do Face Clean Up At Home If the skin gets the routine clean up you will get a healthy and glowing skin which keeps you relaxed. Here is a step by step process to clean up the face. All the face packs in the cleanup process can be prepared by the natural ingredients available at home. At the end of the cleanup, you will get relieved from various skin issues and the beauty of the skin will be enhanced. STEP – 1 CLEANSING Clean your face with your regular face wash. Don’t use hot water for washing as it dries up the skin. Pat dry the skin with a soft towel. YOGURT Just apply a thin layer of yogurt to your face. Gently massage it with your fin

In Just 5 Minutes Remove Pubic Hair Permanently,No Shave No Wax – 100% Natural Remedy

In Just 5 Minutes Remove Pubic Hair Permanently,No Shave No Wax – 100% Natural Remedy here I am telling you how to remove  unwanted hairs  from pubic area without shaving and waxing.  pubic area are very sensitive so here is a easy and effective natural remedy to remove unwanted hairs. Ingredients, you will require – 2 tbsp of gram flour 1/2 tbsp of salt (any of your choice) 2 tbsp of raw milk (uncooked milk) Method – take a clean small bowl, then add 2 tbsp of gram flour, 1/2 tbsp of salt and 2 tbsp of raw milk. now mix well all ingredients and your preparation is done. now apply this mixture on the area where you want to remove hairs, let it dry completely, it may take 15-20 minutes. then rub the dried mixture to remove on the opposite side of hair growth. do this remedy 2-3 times in a week for best desired result regularly, you will see all hair will be gone in just a few weeks without pain and naturally.

Large Open Pores Remedy. Get Smooth Skin Guaranteed In Just 1 Week

Large Open Pores Remedy. Get Smooth Skin Guaranteed In Just 1 Week Most of us do go through a problem of Open skin pores. They do look bad and also become the direct entry to dirt that causes further infections and make our skin dull. Also they do hinder with your makeup. So here is one stop solution to get of all your large open pores, just follow these simple instructions and get rid of them and get a flawless smooth skin. For this remedy you will need Aloe vera leaf Half lemon 1 spoon honey Half cucumber What to do: First cut aloe vera leaf and remove gel from this. Now transfer this gel to blender Add juice of half lemon Add chopped half cucumber and 1 spoon honey Apply this pack on your clean face and let it dry Once dry apply second layer, let it dry and then apply a third layer Now let it dry completely Wash your face with cold water and then massage with ice cubes for 2-3 minutes   How often do this   To get 100% result do this remed

Use This Water Once In A Week And Your Face Will Look 10 Years Younger

Use This Water Once In A Week And Your Face Will Look 10 Years Younger YES, you got that right! You just have to use this facial mask at least once a week and your face will be 10 years younger! Yes, we know, it sounds too good to be true, right?! Well, ladies, you should know that this facial mask really works. Try it tonight For this face mask, you will need 1 cup of water 1 tbs. of honey 3 tbs. of rice 1 tbs. of milk Preparation: First, take rice in a bowl Add water to this Let it boil and when it starts to boil, put it on sim flame for 3 minutes Let rice cool and strain it Now in boiled rice add honey and warm milk Mix all of them until you get paste like consistency Apply this paste on your clean face and neck Leave for 15 minutes Wash your face with plain water

One Ingredient That Can Solve All Your Skin Problems

One Ingredient That Can Solve All Your Skin Problems And that ingredient is Egg. Believe me you can use it for any application on your skin and it really works very well ANTI-WRINKLE MASK Ingredients: 1 egg. 1 glass. 1 brush. Toilet paper. Make-up removers. Preparation and application: Separate the white of the yolk and beat the white with a fork to  activate  its properties. Then apply with a correction brush. Remember before applying the mask you should clean your face. Apply in areas where there is a higher  concentration  of fat, then place two thin sheets of toilet paper over the cheekbones and to the rest of your face. Apply another layer of clear and another layer of toilet paper or wet towels. When finished, leave the mask to act for 30 minutes. After that remove the pieces upwards and wash your face with warm water. You will notice how quickly your face will look  cleaner  and much softer. RECIPE FOR THE EYELIDS Ingredients Clear 1

Crème anti rides fait maison pour enlever tout type de cicatrices, tâches ou rides et donnera à votre visage un aspect 20 ans plus jeune !

Crème anti rides fait maison pour enlever tout type de cicatrices, tâches ou rides et donnera à votre visage un aspect 20 ans plus jeune ! Dans cet article, nous allons vous montrer comment préparer un meilleur anti ride puissant qui vous aidera à traiter tout vieillissement cutanée de votre corps! La meilleure chose à propos de cette crème anti rides est qu’il est tout naturel et que vous avez besoin de 3 ingrédients simples à savoir le yogourt, le vinaigre de cidre de pomme et l’huile d’olive! – Le yaourt est un nettoyant idéal et naturel utilisé comme un soin anti âge pour le visage car il est riche en protéines et en acide lactique. Ces composés travaillent ensemble pour avoir une belle peau. En fait, l’acide lactique aide la peau à se débarrasser des cellules mortes par une exfoliation, alors que la protéine vous aidera à resserrer les pores,à hydrater votre peau et à lutter contre le vieillissement prématuré de la peau. – Le vinaigre de cidre de pomme peut aid

Is it possible to prevent wrinkles?

Is it possible to prevent wrinkles? I think that wrinkles are a bogey that soone or later, everyone starts to fear in a certain way. I personally have never thought about them untill recentlty. Somwhere around the time I celebrated my  28-th birthday . During these months I drank a lot of alcohol, went to discos very often and didn't pay a lot attention to hydrating my organism and drink more water. So usually when I woke up in the morning I got scared from the picture I saw in the mirror and realized I need to be more careful. I know tham I'm still young but I don't know why, I started to pay  more attention  to lines that form on my face. So now, when I look into the mirror I always kind of check them out and make sure they don't get deeper or that no new ones arise. I even started to read a lot on this matter and learnt a handful of great advices, which I'd like to share with you now in this article. When I do some research, and that can be real